Introductory Class
New students take a class with parents sitting in. Teachers and students get to know each other with teachers
learning about that student's goals and interests, assessing readiness for classes*, and determining at which
level that student will start in the program.
*Note that not all children are ready for focused classes. The teacher will let you know if your
4 or 5 year-old may need to wait a few months before beginning classical study.
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Basic Drawing and Painting Program
Line: While being introduced to a variety of drawing and painting media, students work from
drawings that are designed for them to be able to accomplish with hands-on help from a teacher around 10-15% of
the time. Students learn basic drawing skills utilizing whole shapes underlying all imagery, and learning tools to
A) skillfully see what each shape looks like, B) what size it is in comparison to other shapes, and finally, C) where
it is placed in a composition.
Tone: Students are introduced to still-life and realistic subject matter, using charcoal,
pastel, watercolors and acrylics, with the emphasis being on being able to see lights and darks with accuracy.
Color: Drawing independently with an excellent foundation in line and tone, students begin
to master rendering in realism while pushing themselves to use more sophisticated techniques in drawing color, and
paint application techniques.
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Oil Painting
All prior instruction has been geared toward mastery in oil paint. Having learned to skillfully see and depict any subject
matter, students are ready to master oil on canvas, through study of still-life and great master copies.
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M.C. Escher's
Drawing Hands inspired
this painting by Art Steps student and teacher Cassidy Foelsch
Portfolio Prep
If your child starts art classes early, attends a regular class consistently, and works hard, he or she will be in an optimal
position to embark on our Portfolio Prep program by their teen years. Teens who show a high proficiency as oil painters may
use their artistic skills to develop a body of work that utilizes sophisticated planning, compositional design and execution
skills to create a polished, competitive, college-ready portfolio that incorporates the artist's unique artistic voice.
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Trenton holding up his first Art Steps work from when
he began our program at age 6.

Trenton's Lord of the Rings painting.
Visit Trenton’s website.
Go Out and Shine!
Our students have gone on to become accepted at the finest arts high schools and colleges throughout the country.** They
have gone on to become fine artists, illustrators, fashion designers, product designers, portrait painters, graphic artists,
teachers, and filmmakers, and more with many former students letting us know how fine art study has enriched their lives
as a whole. We could not be more proud. How will you make your artistic mark in the world?
**Some of the places our students have gone on to study: The Orange County High School of the Arts, the
Laguna College of Art and Design, the Maryland Institute College of Art, the School of the Art Institute of Chicago, the
Rhode Island School of Design, and the Otis College of Art and Design to name a few. Alumni?
Let us know what's in store for you!
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